Avoid any caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, energy drinks, or caffeinated sodas) on the day before or the day of your exam.
Do not use Viagra or any similar medication on the day before or the day of the exam. It is not compatible with the medications you will receive during the procedure (ask your doctor if you have questions). On the day of your scan, do not eat for four hours prior to your scheduled appointment. You may drink water.
If you are diabetic, ask your doctor how to adjust your medications on the day of your test. If you think your blood sugar is low, tell the technologist immediately.
Tell your radiologist and your doctor if you are:
Upon Arrival
In The Scan Room
The actual scan itself takes only a few seconds, but the preparation for the scan may take from 15 minutes to an hour on average (if medication is given to slow down your heart rate).
After The Procedure
Please ask your doctor if you have any questions about the CT Scan.